About Me

Hello I'm Matt Bridges, a full-stack software developer!

Im a full stack developer using .NET, Javascript, and Postgres. Whatever your project, I am here to help get it completed. I have years of experience working with a broad range of industries that helps me translate a customers needs and quickly turn out actionable minimum viable products. I have thick skin and always prefer direct feedback. Im ready to get started building solutions for you today.

Name: Matt Bridges
From: Pennsylvania, US

What I Use

These are the technologies that I use to accomplish my day to day tasks. While this may be my primary tools, I'm always ready to learn something new.

I use C# on a daily basis to build websites and web applications. You can see examples of my work in my Projects Section.

I use proven design patterns to build sites and apps. Check out my projects to see examples. Projects Section

Javascrtipt is awesome. Check out my Challenges Section for some of JS projects

I use HTML, CSS and Bootstrap to build beautiful and responsive websites. Bootstrap is my go to css framework

I use Git and Github for all of my projects.

I use Entity Framework as my ORM to PostgreSQL, as it is my affordable database of choice.

Projects I have Built

Show casing my projects lets you know how I can contribute to your projects. These full-stack web projects were built from the ground up and are published for you to demo them easily.


A Full Stack bug tracker app built with ASP.NET MVC, C#, and PostgreSQL.

A Full Stack contact management app built with ASP.NET MVC, C#, and PostgreSQL.

My Full Stack blog site built with ASP.NET MVC, C#, and PostgreSQL.

Javascript Challenges I Have Completed

Show casing my projects lets you know how I can contribute to your projects. These Javascript projects were built from the ground up and are published for you to demo them easily.

A loan calculator app built with Javascript, HTML,CSS and Bootstrap.

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A palendrome app built with Javascript, HTML,CSS and Bootstrap.

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An app built with Javascript, HTML,CSS and Bootstrap using loops to display numbers between 2 inputs making all of the even numbers bold.

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An events tracking app built with Javascript, HTML,CSS and Bootstrap.

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An number generation app solving the traditional FizzBuzz coding challange built with Javascript, HTML,CSS and Bootstrap.

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A string reversal app built with Javascript, HTML,CSS and Bootstrap.

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Impressed with my portfolio?Contact Me Now and we can work together!

Blog Highlights

I try to write on my blog on a regular basis and enjoy sharing my knowledge with others.

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